Messing around in hard mode...
I've only done a handful of hard mode missions with alliance groups, but one thing I have noticed is that the old Jagged/Wild/DB combo doesn't work as well as it should against HM baddies. So I've been trying to make a build for general use that can dish out just a little more damage for hard mode.
here is what I have so far
[skill]Golden Fox Strike[/skill][skill]Wild Strike[/skill][skill]Death Blossom[/skill][skill]Moebius Strike[/skill][skill]Critical Strike[/skill][skill]Flurry[/skill][skill]Critical Defenses[/skill][skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill]
still working on it, and I know it's nothing new and amazing, in fact it's more a variation of the HyperSin build than a new build...
but w/e